Important Historical Events

3 Events that shaped Russia

1. Russian Revolution 1917-1924

     This event affected Russia greatly because it was the end of the Russian monarchy, which led to huge changes in the countries economy.

2. Joseph Stalin's rule 1922

     This event was important because it was the start Russian communism, which led to conflicts with the United States and was a time of poverty and oppression for many Russians.

3. Russia's first election 1991

     This event was important for Russia because it ended communist rule and was the beginning of Russia becoming a world economic power.



  1. This helped me a lot with my S.S. homework! Thank you! A lot of other websites gave me hundreds of events, when I only needed two or three for my project.

  2. same here! I used all 3 for my S.S homework

  3. Same here! I also used all three for my S.S homework!
